Men’s Ministries

Strengthening bonds of brotherhood in faith.

At Lethbridge Community Church, we recognize the importance of providing spaces where men can come together to foster spiritual growth, mutual support, and community. Our Men’s Ministries are designed to offer these opportunities through engaging and meaningful programs.

Men's Coffee and Fellowship

When: Every Wednesday, 10:00 AM
Where: A&W Scenic Drive

Men's Coffee and Fellowship is a weekly informal gathering that invites the men of our church to connect over a cup of coffee. It's a time dedicated to building community, sharing experiences, and uplifting each other through prayer. The atmosphere is relaxed, and the conversation is enriching. Whether you're a long-time member or a first-time visitor, you're welcome here. No invitation necessary – just drop in and join the fellowship!

Men's Breakfast Club

When: First Saturday of every month, 9:00 AM
Where: Lethbridge Community Church (1302 4 Avenue S, Lethbridge, AB)

The Men's Breakfast Club is a monthly gathering where camaraderie and faith are served alongside a hearty breakfast. Held in our church building, it's a time for men to come together to break bread, share stories, and deepen their faith. Each session is an opportunity to connect with fellow believers, discuss life’s journeys, and find encouragement in the shared experiences of faith. It’s more than a meal; it's nourishment for both body and soul.