Lethbridge Food Assistance Program

Nourishing bodies, strengthening communities.

At The Salvation Army in Lethbridge, we recognize the importance of access to nutritious food in fostering healthy families and communities. Our Food Assistance Program is dedicated to providing support to those in need, ensuring that no one in our community goes hungry.

What We Offer

  • Food Distribution: We distribute food from our Lethbridge office. Individuals will have the opportunity to choose from a variety of food items to best suit their lifestyle.

Our Commitment

We are committed to fostering a community where everyone has access to the basic necessity of food. Our program operates with compassion, dignity, and respect for all individuals who seek assistance.

For more information, please contact Chris Saprikin at 403-929-3884 or at christopher.saprikin@salvationarmy.ca. Note that this program operates on an appointment basis.